Everyone hears the sad Coronavirus stories, but we have a SURVIVOR story for you…one from our very own FAMILY!
This is Marilyn Newton, and she's a survivor! Marilyn lives in Louisville, KY and at Bast Floors & Staircases she is a mother, sister, aunt, and friend. Marilyn is 61 years old and began showing symptoms of the Coronavirus in early April. By April 20th she was formally diagnosed with COVID-19 and admitted to Baptist East Hospital.
Our family was devastated.
We contacted doctors about administering the drug Remdesivir, but were told that they had none of this drug available for Marilyn. Remdesivir was only given to children or pregnant women who had COVID-19. Our family would have to fight for it.
So we fought.
Our entire family began a crusade for the drug to be made available to ALL COVID-19 patients, not just a select few. Phone calls were made, social media was employed and prayers from around the country went up for our Marilyn.
On May 15th, Remdesivir was made available to Marilyn and doctors began her treatments.
It has been a wicked fight, but Marilyn Newton is a fighter.
She's been lifted up in prayers from our entire family along wtih friends she doesn’t even know she has. Because of these and the amazing team of doctors and nurses giving the proper medication, our dear Marilyn’s prognosis improved every day.
After 60 days in the hospital and over 40 days on a ventilator, she improved so much that she didn't require intensive critical care monitoring. Doctors wrote the order on June 9th for her to be transferred out of the CCU to a step down unit. And now she's left the hospital for rehab.
She is one step closer to coming home and we can’t wait until she is able to visit us in Florida again.